Technical Description

MyKISSsoft Login

Create your MyKISSsoft login, your key to the customer area on Gain access to documents, information and downloads related to your KISSsoft license(s). The MyKISSsoft login is based on your email address registered with KISSsoft AG. Depending on whether you are a visitor, a KISSsoft license user or a KISSsoft license administrator, you have access to the below items.

MyKISSsoft Login Description

License Provisions

Please read this license provisions carefully before installing or using a
KISSsoft AG Software 
or Software license.

Licence Provisions

Technical Product Description and Conditons

The technical product description of the software defines the precise scope of the individual modules which the software package contain. Our price lists and quotations are based on these documents.

Technical Description Release 2024

User Manual KISSsoft Release 2024

All relevant information about our software, from installation, calculation modules and project management to 3D interfaces, is available here in detail.

User Manual KISSsoft

Hard- and Software requirements for KISSsoft calculation programs

The KISSsoft calculation programs are continuously adapted to the development in hard- and software markets. Therefore, it runs on all common operating systems and processors. The hardware requirements and the types of installation available are described below.



When the application detects that your computer does not have a graphics card or driver that meets its minimum requirements. This support page explains why you might be seeing this message and what steps you can take to address this issue.


Auxiliary Programs

KISSsoft uses optionally Salome and Code_Aster to perform Finite Element (FE) calculations. Please note that these programms are only supported up to KISSsoft Release 2023. In order that KISSsoft can use these programs, the following installation files must be downloaded.


The software included in these programs contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPL v2. A copy of that license can be downloaded here and more details can be also found on the Salome and Code_Aster websites. You may obtain a hardcopy of corresponding source code from us within a period of three years after our last shipment of a KISSsoft version using the respective software, by sending a money order or check of 20 EURO to KISSsoft. Please write "source for Salome and Code_Aster" in the memo line of your payment. You may also find a copy of the source code here.


It should be noted that the windows version of Code_Aster used by KISSsoft, is the one provided by company pi_meca. The source code of this version of Code_Aster is also provided as described above. The respective binary, as downloaded from the pi_meca website, is given here.

3rd Party Licenses

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